University of Cambridge
Department of Psychiatry
ArtEZ University of the Arts
Department of Music Therapy
Beatrix Children’s Hospital - University Medical Centre Groningen
Department of Neonatology

Improviseren doen we allemaal dagelijks, maar met muziek wordt het opeens een heel bewuste activiteit waarin niet iedereen zich zeker bij voelt. Toch is het 'gezond' om te improviseren, zegt dr. Artur Jaschke, die onderzoek doet naar de effecten van muziek op de hersenen en ons welzijn in het algemeen. Toekomstmuziek is zijn eerste boek voor een breder publiek.
Mind The Music
Music has a way of minding our brains, and Mind the Music explores the effects that it has on our cognition, emotion, and behaviour. As well as into the fabric of our culture, music is woven into the fabric of our humanity – but where does it come from, and how does it help us to learn?
Intuition and improvisation turn out to be critical to understanding our own embodied cognition. We have hunches in a way that computers do not.
But as technology takes over what were once human tasks, there is a temptation and even tendency to enjoy our creature comforts while neglecting our natural faculties. So how do we re-learn the ability to improvise, to help us find our place in the nexus of human and machine?
Mind the Music is a reminder that it is important to keep your brain active, and an argument for the glory of intuitive choices. It dares you to improvise and dance to the music of the mind.
UvN lecture on "Why your brain needs Music"

Pearls of Wisdom, New York, USA
International conference on Music and Medicine, Barcelona, Spain
Brain Medicine: Innovations in technology, data and applications, Berlin
International Congress on Music and the Brain, Harvard Medical Centre Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Arts-based research is not clinical research, Bridging the Gap Symposium, HAN Hogeschool, Nijmegen
Embodied Cognition and the arts in music, Herbstacademy Universität Heidelberg, Germany
Neuromusicology: your brain on music, Presentatie tijdens de Nationale Psychologie Studenten Congress, Utrecht
Society for Music Perception and Cognition, Kennedy Centre, Nashville, USA
Music in the ICU, from intervention to therapy, International Intensive Care Colloquium, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Is Music a Luxury, Nationale muziek Gala in presence of her royal majesty, Queen Maxima, the Netherlands.
Neuroscience and Music, from education to the clinic, Stedelijk Conservatorium Brugge, Belgium
Neuroscience and Music, from education to the clinic, University of Bournmouth, UK
Van Neuropsychologie naar neuromusicologie: ontwikkeling en toepassing van de effecten van muziek en de hersenen, Presentatie tijdens de HAN international week, HAN Hogeschool, Nijmegen
Is music a luxury? What we know and do not know about the effects of music education on neurocognition and behaviour, Marnix Academie, Utrecht
Neuromusicology: your brain on music, het Muziekgebouw and ‘t Ij, Amsterdam
CulturSummit 2017, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Van Neuropsychologie naar neuromusicologie: ontwikkeling en toepassing van de effecten van muziek en de hersenen, Presentatie tijdens de Week van de vaktherapie, Schiedam
Brain, Music and Behaviour, Frontiers in Brain Research symposium (UvA en VU), Amsterdam
Brainwaves – Mini-Tour on Music and the Brain, Multiple Locations, The Netherlands Music as Medicine, Deventer Hospital, The Netherlands
Music and its importance in Healthcare, Studie-Arena, The Netherlands
Music, Dementia and the Brain, Noorderbreedte, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
The effects of music education on children, Knrc NRW, Radio 1, The Netherlands
What are the effects of music on the brain in clinical populations, RTV Rijnmond,The Netherlands
Music interventions as Brian boosters, Radio 1, the Netherlands
Music interventions and brain development in children New York Classical Radio WQJX
Music education’s effect on the brain, Radio 1, BelgiumYour brain on music, SWR 1, Germany
Why do we listen to music? Does your brain know the answer? Radio 1, The Netherlands
Brainwaves – the effects of music on the brain, Radio 1 (Langs de Lijn en Omstreken), The Netherlands
Music and the brain, Radio 4, The Netherlands
Music interventions and the NICU, NPO2, Focus – De Kennis van Nu
Music and the brain, NPO2, Focus – De Kennis van Nu
Music and the Brain, NPO1, EenVandaag, the Netherlands
Music interventions and the NICU, NPO1 20uur Journaal
Music and the Brain at RTL Late NIGHT with Humberto Tan, RTL 4, The Netherlands
Muziek en het Brein, Editie.nl RTL 4, The Netherlands
Enhance your brain with music, NPO Nederland, NTR, De Kennis van Nu.
'Muziek is meer dan genot voor de oren', Het Parool, 16 February 2019. Read part 1 & 2.